As many people struggle with the flu, talk of the flu vaccine is popular. But did you know you can improve your immunity against not only the flu, but also other viruses, bacterial infections, yeasts, environmental toxins, food sensitivities, and even Hashimoto’s low thyroid flares? The clue lies in what scientist Aristo Vojdani, PhD labels nature’s vaccine — secretory IgA (SIgA).
SIgA are immune cells that come between you and the rest of the world. They live in mucus membranes, such as the digestive tract, respiratory tract, urinary tract, prostate, and vagina. They are found in mucus, tears, saliva, sweat, and breast milk.
SIgA are the first immune cells to encounter foreign invaders and surround them so they don’t enter into the bloodstream. This helps prevent the immune system from becoming to hyper reactive so it is not vulnerable to food intolerances, chemical sensitivities, and autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto’s low thyroid.
Low SIgA is very common
Sadly, low SIgA levels are not uncommon these days. It’s most often seen in people with fatigued adrenals with symptoms of chronic tiredness, low blood sugar, difficulty getting up in the morning, depression, anxiety, salt cravings, and chronic illness. Many people with Hashimoto’s low thyroid have adrenal dysfunction.
Taking corticosteroid medications can also lower SIgA levels.
Low SIgA levels raises cold and flu risk
Low SIgA levels make it more common to get sick frequently. For instance, low SIgA in the respiratory tract allows viruses and bacteria to more easily invade your system.
The low SIgA link to food and chemical sensitivities
What’s perhaps more frustrating is how low SIgA raises the risk of food and chemical sensitivities. SIgA play a major role in whether you can tolerate your environment while dealing appropriately with pathogens.
With low SIgA to neutralize invaders, the immune system must become more aggressive. It’s like calling in the Navy Seals because the police force has gone missing.
The result is over reactive immunity that promotes loss of tolerance to foods or chemicals. Many people with Hashimoto’s low thyroid are intolerant of a number of foods and environmental chemicals.
Low SIgA raises risk for Hashimoto’s low thyroid and other autoimmune diseases
Low SIgA and the hyper reactive immunity it causes raises your risk of developing autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto’s low thyroid.
Ask my office for ideas on how to test for and increase your SIgA levels and better manage your Hashimoto’s low thyroid.
How to learn if you have Hashimoto’s low thyroid
Many patients are not diagnosed with hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s until after several years and going through several doctors. It is a demoralizing journey richly illustrated in my book The Truth About Low Thyroid: Stories of Hope and Healing for Those Suffering With Hashimoto’s Low Thyroid Disease, through real-life stories from patients in my practice. Managing Hashimoto’s goes far beyond using thyroid medication as you must work to stop the immune system from attacking the thyroid. For more information on identifying and managing Hashimoto’s low thyroid, contact my office.
About Dr. Josh Redd, Chiropractic Physician — Utah, Arizona, New Mexico functional medicine
Dr. Joshua J. Redd, DC, MS, DABFM, DAAIM, author of The Truth About Low Thyroid: Stories of Hope and Healing for Those Suffering With Hashimoto’s Low Thyroid Disease, is a chiropractic physician and the founder of RedRiver Health and Wellness Center with practices in Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico. He sees patients from around the world who suffer from challenging thyroid disorders, Hashimoto’s disease, and other autoimmune conditions. In addition to his chiropractic degree, Dr. Redd has a BS in Health and Wellness, a BS in Anatomy, and a MS in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine. He speaks across the nation, teaching physicians about functional blood chemistry, low thyroid, Hashimoto’s, and autoimmunity. You can join his Facebook page here.