Even if you shop for only organic foods, filter your drinking water, clean your home with natural cleaners, and only use non-toxic body products, the sad truth is you are still exposed to many toxins simply for being part of the modern world.
Thankfully, there are ways to facilitate the removal of these toxins from our bodies and protect our cells from damage from them.
The anti-inflammatory diet
One reason toxins are problematic is because they can promote inflammation. You can help relieve some of the burden on your body by following an anti-inflammatory diet. The toxins in the air, water, and soil still contaminate our food supply, even organic food. You can lighten the load by choosing organic food as possible, and eating meats only from pastured and grass-fed animals that are not given antibiotics.
Keeping your blood sugar stable can also help minimize inflammation, as blood sugar highs and lows over activate the immune system. This means avoiding sugars and foods that are high in processed carbohydrates. Also, don’t go so long without eating that you crash from low blood sugar and don’t overeat or eat so many carbs that you feel sleepy after eating.
Another important aspect of an anti-inflammatory diet is to avoid foods that trigger an immune response, the most common being gluten and dairy. If you are sensitive to these foods and keep eating them, this keeps your immune system on red alert all the time, creating inflammation throughout your body. Soy, egg, and corn are other commonly inflammatory foods, along with foods in the nightshade and lectin categories.
Resveratrol and curcumin are two supplements that can help protect you from toxins, particularly if you take them together in a liposomal form.
Another powerful supplement is liposomal glutathione or another absorbable form. Having enough glutathione will protect you from developing chemical sensitivities. You can also raise your body’s glutathione levels with n-acetyl-cysteine, cordyceps, Gotu Kola, milk thistle, L-glutamine, and alpha lipoic acid.
Also, ask my office about certain supplements that can also tame and reduce inflammation.
Bind toxins for removal from your body
Binders are supplements that can help remove heavy metals, toxins, and mold mycotoxins from your body.
Here are some binders that can help reduce the toxic load on your body:
Modified citrus pectin: This product is processed from citrus peel and is able enter the bloodstream to bind to toxins throughout the body. It is also a “prebiotic” which means it’s a food source for your good gut bacteria. Healthy gut bacteria are also important to help protect you from toxins. Look for a source that is free of fillers.
Activated charcoal: Activated charcoal is a common binder for toxins. It is also used for digestive complaints.
Bentonite clay: Bentonite, montmorillonite, and illite (French clay) clays are used to bind toxins. They act like a sponge with an electrical charge that attracts toxins when mixed with water. Avoid products that may have lead contamination.
Zeolite: Zeolite is a natural compound made of volcanic rock and ash that is an effective binder for heavy metals and toxins.
Chlorella: Chlorella is a type of algae that binds to mercury and lead. It is also rich in B vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. If you take blood thinners, consult your doctor before taking chlorella.
Silica: Silica is a popular supplement to improve the hair, skin, and nails, but it also binds metals such as thallium that are harder to detox.
Support your pathways of elimination to detoxify the body
Binders latch onto toxins, but it’s important to support your body in eliminating them. Also, heavy metals bind to receptors on cells when minerals are low, so it’s also important to make sure you have sufficient minerals in your body.
To improve the function of the pathways of elimination, support the following:
- Liver and gallbladder function
- Bowel elimination
- Hydration
Eat 25–38 grams of fiber a day, drink plenty of filtered water, eat foods that are good for the liver (like bitters and greens), exercise regularly, and sweat regularly to support elimination of toxins from your body.
Prevent chemical sensitivities
It’s important to minimize the overall toxic burden on the body, but it’s also very important to avoid developing chemical sensitivities. Your overall toxic burden may matter less than whether you have an inflammatory reaction to certain toxins. In other words, you can react to a toxin in the same way you react to gluten or dairy. You want to prevent this from happening as removing a toxin from your life is harder than removing a food from your diet — many toxins are in our air, water, food, and everyday items.
This is why it’s so important to live an anti-inflammatory lifestyle. If you already have chemical sensitivities, ask my office about methods to lower your sensitivity so you can better tolerate everyday life.